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Dot.Lib offers the world's best online scientific content in various publishing formats.
Cutting-edge content, constantly updated, published by the most renowned scientific publishers and societies in all subject areas. Countless full-text, peer-reviewed articles, in addition to images, tables and graphics, in HTML and/or PDF.
Extensive catalog of individual titles or collections released by leading international publishers. Titles cover all subject areas and levels – from graduation to post-doctorate – and include textbooks, classics, reference works, series and handbooks.
A great variety of international databases – full-text, bibliographical or multimedia – in a variety of subject areas, with research platforms that fulfill the needs of differentf users (some of them with with translation and customization options).

Our priority is to offer a great service to our customers. . We always aspire to provide innovative solutions that contribute to users' educational, research and scientific development.
Through our staff, we offer our institutional clients training sessions in all acquired solutions, whether online or in person.
Dot.Lib's technological infrastructure has high-performance servers distributed across datacenters in Brazil and the United States, assuring a quick and safe access to the scientific content of our publishers.
Dot.Lib has developed Lectio, its own platform, which aggregates the eBooks of numerous publishers in a single federated search interface.
A platform designed to be a complete healthcare digital solution, able to enhance and help physicians, medical doctors and other healthcare professionals, helping them to develop their respective expertises.
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We can offer you free trial access periods of the content of our partner publishers. If you are interested in getting to know some of our publications or research solutions, fill out the form on the side.